Sanctuary in Humboldt

Complete text English Spanish

El propósito de la Ley es alentar el respeto y la confianza entre las agencias de seguridad pública y los residentes del condado, proteger recursos locales y promover la cooperación entre residentes y agentes del condado, incluidos agentes de salud y otros servidores. Para asegurar la seguridad de la comunidad entera y el debido proceso para todes.

  • El Sheriff de Humboldt no puede trabajar en operaciones conjuntas con Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE).

  • Las madres y padres pueden decir quién va a cuidar a sus hijos si hay problemas migratorios.

  • Garantiza PROCEDIMIENTOS HUMANITARIOS, permite a las familias a acceder a servicios como hospitales y escuelas

The purpose of the law is to foster respect and trust between law enforcement, County agencies, personnel, and residents, to protect limited local resources, to encourage cooperation between residents and County officials, including and especially law enforcement and public health officers, employees, and to ensure community security and due process for all.

Why is important to protect a Sanctuary Law

Most families include a mix of US citizen, legal resident, and undocumented members, and everyone is affected by overzealous enforcement. Humboldt families face horrible realities:

  • Parents fear taking their children to school or to the doctor for fear of being reported;

  • Aggressive immigration enforcement tears families apart;

  • Families fear interacting with local law enforcement or even reporting fires.

When people are afraid to seek services, the entire community suffers from higher rates of unsolved criminality, spreading of disease, and a lack of social mobility.  A Sanctuary Ordinance addresses these issues by:

  • Offering parental preference regarding custody and residence if separated from children.

  • Helping law enforcement. County funds will not be used to investigate or report immigration status which will encourage crime reporting and cooperation, and local resources will not be used for unfunded mandates.

  • Encouraging families to access vital services. Immigrants will be more likely to consistently take children to school and access health care and vital services, reducing risks to the larger community.

  • Saving local law enforcement money and resources. This law legally prohibits detentions solely for immigration enforcement purposes and prohibits random fingerprinting.

  • Avoiding unnecessary pain to families and the community. In cases of mandatory Immigration enforcement, it ensures humane procedures