United for the empowerment of Indigenous Migrant and Latinx Communities

We create a space for the Indigenous Peoples of the South, Immigrants and Latin community in which we promote awareness of our rights and the cultural and artistic revitalization of our ancestral roots.

Unidos por el empoderamiento de las Comunidades Indígenas Migrantes

Creamos un espacio de encuentro para los Pueblos Indígenas del Sur, Migrantes y Latinxs y, en el que promovemos nuestros derechos y la revitalización cultural y artística de nuestras raíces ancestrales.

Our Impact

Since its formation, Centro del Pueblo has showcased the importance of discussing immigration as a human experience in Northern California. The Sanctuary movement that Centro started lights up the strength of Latinx residents to organize a campaign for the Human Rights of immigrants.

CDP work is present in radio, TV, rallies, festivals, public health campaigns, museums, theaters, as well as in CalPoly Humboldt, College of the Redwoods and other schools. The leadership of the organizers of CDP is acknowledged among different groups and coalitions for promoting the empowerment and racial equity in Humboldt.

Centro’s projects make a statement in defense of Indigenous women, families, Dreamers, all members of this community that respect and appreciate the richness of diversity.


Six thousand signatures

In 14 weeks of 2018, our volunteers gathered over 6,000 signatures.  With love and joy for the immigrant community of Humboldt, we move forward to discuss our rights to a happy safe life.



yearly Events sponsored

Centro del Pueblo has put on over 60 events supporting Dreamers, Families Belong Together, Workers, Students, Latinx artists. 



15% of the population is Latinx

This means that thousands of residents will be impacted with our actions.

Get Involved

Volunteer opportunities

We need volunteers for our projects that includes a variety of events, for our fundraising efforts, our marketing in social media and in phone banking. We are a fun group of people and would love to have your help. 


Your support is needed

We visit rural areas throught the region to inform the community about immigrant rights in different languages. With your donation we’ll keep bringing resources, food and art activities to vulnerable communities. Your donation will help in so many ways.

Write a Check to: Centro del Pueblo Address: P.O. Box 1174, Arcata CA, 95518

NO HAY HUMANOS ILEGALES. Todes tenemos derechos protegidos por la constitución

Conoce los derechos que tenemos como migrantes

Centro encabezó la Ley Santuario

Centro spearheaded the Humboldt County Sanctuary Law

Since 2016 CDP has been working to implement Sanctuary measures. Our first success was winning a sanctuary measure for the city of Arcata. In 2018, the Measure K was voted on the ballot to protect the entire county. This is the first law of this type approved by the ballot in the United States. To read more go to the Campaign site of Centro

Start your campaign!